The Multiverse Programming team currently seeks a new Director and Assistant Director for the WRITE track! Have fun while putting on an exciting and impactful event. See below for duties.

WRITE Track Assistant Director
Applications close on April 30th, or when all positions are filled. Before applying, please read and familiarize yourself with the information below.
As part of the programming team, all Directors and Assistant Directors assist in Guest selection, create programming for their tracks consistent with Multiverse’s mission statement and culture, and ensure their track is staffed during all sessions. We’re especially interested in people from traditionally marginalized communities—BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, etc—to add to the current roster of diverse voices on the team.
Before the convention:
Attend regular staff meetings (via Zoom or Discord)
Assist in Guest selection
Director and Assistant Director work as a team to create programming for the track as well as assigning guests to programming
Help hype the con on social media
At the convention:
Set up and decorate the track room prior to Opening Ceremonies
Attend Opening and Closing ceremonies
Work with the Volunteer Coordinator to ensure the track room is staffed during all live sessions. Track staff/volunteer duties include:
Ensuring all panels begin and end on time
Touching base with moderators prior to the panel to be sure the mod has everything they need
Fill out session sheets, which track number of attendees, how the panel went, any notes on guests and mods
Turning on equipment at the beginning of the day and turning off at the end
Break down and pack up Track room after Closing Ceremonies
Excellent organizational skills, preferably experience with Google Suite & Excel
Excellent communication skills
Team player
Experience volunteering at conventions preferred; prior experience scheduling and/or managing programming is a huge plus!
Ability to monitor and respond to emails and other communications in a timely manner
A few important things to remember which apply to all Volunteers:
Volunteers must be 18 years old or older on or before the first day of the convention.
Volunteers at Multiverse who complete 12 approved hours receive a complimentary convention badge, t-shirt, and access to the volunteers-only afterparty.
All Volunteers must abide by the Multiverse Code of Conduct at all times. Failure to abide by the Code may result in expulsion and/or revocation of access, rewards, and privileges without refund.
Please note:
When volunteering for Multiverse Events, you are agreeing to release and hold harmless Multiverse Events from any and all liability, claims, demands, injuries, illness, death, or property damage resulting from your volunteering activities. Multiverse Events does not maintain health, medical, or disability insurance coverage for any Volunteer or contractor and each Volunteer and contractor is expected and encouraged to obtain their own medical and/or health insurance coverage.