If you’re a Dealer or Professional Guest Author and you want to know all about getting a table and selling your wares at Multiverse, you’re in the right place. Read on for details and fill out the application to join us in the Dealer Hall or Author Alley!

PLEASE NOTE: We do not allow the sale of AI/ML-generated images or writing in the Multiverse Dealer Hall. We DO allow the sale of original art created with the aid of digital programs (e.g., ProCreate, Illustrator).
Table pricing and policies are below. Submitting an application does NOT require payment, or guarantee a space. Spaces are limited and are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis (subject to review & approval by the Multiverse team), so apply today!
Dealer Hall Application: open January 1 - September 15. We recommend applying early because we may fill up before the deadline! Please note: Author Alley (details below) is our dedicated space for booksellers who are professional Guests of the convention. The Dealer Hall selection process primarily includes sellers of merchandise other than books.
Author Alley Application: opens in June, available only to approved author Guests of the convention. Approved author Guests will be notified of the exact dates and procedures individually, after the Guest selection & confirmation processes are complete.
Dealer Hall Table: $140. Includes 7.5’x2’ table in the main Dealer Hall area, table skirt, 2 chairs, and two complimentary 3-day badges. Total space approximately 8’x8’. The Dealer Hall will be locked overnight. Electrical connections are not guaranteed; please let us know in the Notes section of the application if your display requires power in order to operate. We will accommodate you if possible, but cannot guarantee it.
Guests of the convention (panelists, displaying artists, etc.) may qualify for a discount on Dealer Hall tables once officially confirmed as Guests by the Programming department. Each Guest badge counts toward the total badges included with booth/table purchases.
Author Alley Table (please note: these are only available to approved professional Guests of the convention): $60, includes 7.5’x2’ table located in the Pre-function area, 1-2 chairs, and one complimentary 3-day badge. Half-tables are $30, if available in a given convention year. Authors are responsible for securing or packing up their merchandise overnight and when the table is unattended.
The 2024 Author Alley application is now closed. The 2025 application will open in June.
All Dealers including confirmed Guests must submit the Dealer Application if they want a table or booth. Space is limited, so unfortunately not all Dealers (including Guests) can be approved.
After we review the applications, applicants will receive an email response. Confirmation emails will also include instructions and purchase links to spaces they are eligible to purchase - booths, tables, etc.
To offer the best variety in the space we have available, there may be limits on how many dealers can sell the same type of merchandise - for example, a couple of t-shirt dealers is good, but 10 t-shirt dealers is overkill and means other dealers would miss out on sales.
Dealers must apply through the online application form. Emails will not be accepted as reservations or applications. Applications for space in the Dealer Hall are accepted only online.
Both the Multiverse Dealer Hall and the wait list are compiled exclusively from applications received prior to the deadline of September 15. If you do not submit an application prior to the deadline, you will not be a dealer during that year’s convention. Once the Dealer Hall is full, any further applicants will be moved to a wait list which we use to fill vacancies should they occur closer to the event. Our Dealer Hall will likely fill up before the September deadline, so the earlier you apply, the better.
Please be advised that if your primary items for sale are original art or books, our general policy is to reserve selling space for artists and authors who are participating in the Art Show and/or as professional Guests on our programming. As a result, we do not typically approve many selling spaces for art or books to sellers who are not Art Show artists or author Guests. We encourage you to apply for the Art Show or apply as a Guest, although approval of those applications does not guarantee a selling space.
Setup and Teardown: Dealers will be allowed access to the Dealer Hall for several hours before it opens to convention attendees on Friday of the convention. On Saturday and Sunday, Dealers will be allowed into the Dealer Hall one hour before opening. On Sunday, Dealers will have approximately two hours after closing to tear down and remove all belongings and clean up their space.
Secure Storage Space: The Dealer Hall will be locked daily from convention attendees when public hours end. Please store your valuables in a secure location. Although the hotel attempts to keep the space secure, Multiverse is not responsible for lost valuables. No one is allowed access after the Dealer Hall is closed unless Hotel Security and a Multiverse Director are present.
Space Preferences: Please use the Notes section on your application to request a specific space such as “along the wall.” Also indicate in the Notes if you need electricity. We are unable to accommodate all requests but will do our best. If you do not request these specifications prior to the convention, we may not be able to supply them.
Accommodations: Multiverse Dealers have access to the exclusive discounted rate on hotel rooms at the Hilton Peachtree City.
Refreshments: Please provide your own refreshments. We know you won't want to leave your table much, so plan ahead and stay fed and hydrated. As a Dealer at Multiverse, you do have access to the Con Suite and its many offerings but we cannot provide staffing for your table while you are away.
Contacting us: Before the convention, please email your questions or comments to During the convention, please direct your questions or comments to the Dealer Hall Director or staff.
Adult Content: Adult content should never be displayed in plain view since this is a family-friendly convention. The final determination of what constitutes an adult item is up to the Dealer Hall staff and the convention runners.