At Multiverse, we believe in creating and sustaining a culture of safety, inclusivity, and fun. All are welcome here, so long as everyone treats themselves, each other, and our diverse community with respect. To assure all attending feel safe, welcomed, and included, we post and enforce the Multiverse Code of Conduct, a group of policies which encompasses our beliefs and values.

At Multiverse, we believe in creating and sustaining a culture of safety, inclusivity, and fun. All are welcome here, so long as everyone treats themselves, each other, and our diverse community with respect. To assure all attending feel safe, welcomed, and included, we post and enforce the Multiverse Code of Conduct, a group of policies which encompasses our beliefs and values. When we find these policies have been breached, we will respond as promptly, efficiently, and fairly as possible. Purchase or use of a Multiverse Membership is an acknowledgment that you have reviewed and understood the policies of the Multiverse Code of Conduct and agree to fully abide by them.
Multiverse reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to take such actions as it feels appropriate where any individual or group is found to have breached convention policies. We also reserve the right to revoke membership and to eject anyone at any time from the convention without a refund.oes here
These rules borrow language from CONvergence, from Worldcon 76 in San Jose, and from the Science Fiction Writers of America's official harassment policies. We’re grateful to all of them for their work in creating fun and safe convention environments.
We welcome any suggestions that may make our policies more inclusive or effective. If you have ideas or suggestions, we encourage you to email them to us.
By accepting a membership to Multiverse, members are agreeing to abide by this code of conduct at all times while it is in force. This is not limited to inside Convention Spaces, and is applicable during all hours that Con is in session. Actions taken during this time are subject to this code.
Actions that violate this Code outside the above times may be actionable at the convention if certain parameters are met, including but not limited to:
A specific and credible threat toward the convention itself
A threat or committed act of harassment (as detailed below) toward a convention member, guest, vendor, or volunteer
A credibly reported history of harassment, stalking, or threatening or disruptive behavior
Anything that is a legal or other risk to the convention or its members, volunteers, guests, or venue staff
Awareness of potential problems assists us in providing a safe convention experience for all members. If you are concerned about an individual, group, or organization, we encourage you to contact us at
Enforcement of this Code is performed by the Multiverse Chairs, in conjunction with the Multiverse Safety Team.
Violations of this Code can result in any or all of the following actions:
Verbal warning
A written report
A hole-punch in the violator’s membership badge
Removal from a specific event or space at the Convention
Revocation of membership to the current Convention
Banning from future events and a public statement that the violator has been banned
Referral to local law enforcement (as appropriate)
Factors that will be considered when determining enforcement actions include:
Harm caused by the violation
The severity of the violation
History or pattern of violations
Factors that will not be considered when determining enforcement actions include:
Celebrity status or fame
Personal relationships
Position within the Convention organization (Volunteer, Guest, Vendor, Member, etc.)
Anyone, whether or not a member of the Convention, may report a violation of this Code. Reports may be given to any Convention Volunteer, identifiable by bright orange lanyards. Reports may also be submitted via calling or texting (404) 436-2025, or via email at
When a report of a violation is received, Multiverse will first confirm the safety of the reporter and any others involved and provide a safe environment for those people as needed. A member of the Multiverse Safety Team will be contacted and start the process of taking the details of the report. Reports are strictly confidential, and the identities of any reporters or affected parties will not be disclosed without express consent.
All reports are treated with the utmost seriousness and compassion and are thoroughly investigated in a timely manner. The Safety Team will work with and listen to the reporter and affected parties to prioritize their safety and comfort. As the confidentiality of parties involved in a report allows, the reporter will be kept informed of the investigation’s progress and findings.
Retaliation against a reporter is a violation of this Code.
All city, county, state, and federal laws should be considered part of this Code of Conduct. Violations of the law will result in reporting to law enforcement as appropriate, and will additionally be considered violations of this code.
Hate speech is a violation of this Code. Hate speech is speech that offends, threatens, or insults groups of people, based on race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, or other traits. This includes intentional misgendering or “deadnaming” (purposefully using the pre-transition name) of trans people.
All representations and iconography of hate groups will be treated as violations of this Code regardless of intent. Hate groups include but are not limited to: Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan, Westboro Baptist Church or any group as listed as a hate group on the Southern Poverty Law Center website. Examples of representation include but are not limited to messages displayed on clothing, signs, or anywhere else, as well as symbols that signal danger to specific groups of people.
Any of the above prohibited actions will not be excused by humorous, ironic, or demonstrative intent.
Discrimination or prejudiced behavior is a violation of this Code. For the purposes of this Code, discrimination is unjust or prejudicial exclusions or treatment of any person based on characteristics including but not limited to: race, age, sex, gender, gender identity, gender presentation, national origin, ancestry, body size or shape, neurodiversity, disability, medical condition, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status, marital/domestic partnership status, or citizenship.
Harassment and assault are violations of this Code. Harassment is any behavior toward other persons that annoys, aggravates, or makes them feel unsafe or uncomfortable. This means physical, verbal, or non-verbal behaviors including but not limited to:
Unwanted, non-consensual, or threatening contact
Touching someone without their explicit consent.
Purposely following someone in a public or private area without consent
Threatening physical harm in any way
Deliberately interfering with a person's ability to move, whether through physical interaction or body placement which would keep someone from comfortably passing or leaving
Continuing to interact with a person after a request to cease interaction
Unwanted flirting or comments on another person’s appearance
Transmission of harassing behavior via written or electronic means
Wearing a costume or attire that is historically or otherwise offensive
Non-consensual photography or recording
Sustained disruption of panels, signings, or other events
If a member finds themselves needing to apologize for actions or words during the convention, first and foremost they should respect the space of the injured person or persons. If a member has made it clear they do not want to interact with another member, continuing to try to interact, even to apologize, is harassment and a violation of this Code.
In that case, the member wishing to apologize should immediately cease interacting with the other member and reach out to the Safety Team at, or via text or phone call to (404) 436-2025. A member of the Multiverse Team will mediate any communication, and can also aid the member in understanding what happened and how it was hurtful.
When apologizing, members should remember the four components to a sincere apology:
Identify the specific action that was hurtful without qualification or justification.
Say the words “I’m sorry.”
Fix as much damage or harm that has been done as possible.
Identify the actions one will take to prevent similar incidents from happening again.
The member should avoid:
Attempts to justify, explain, or mitigate the harm, such as “I’m sorry, but…”
The phrase “I’m sorry you feel that way” or similar sentiments.
Being upset if the apology is not accepted or wanted.
Continuing to interact with the injured party without express consent.
Possession of a prohibited weapon or item is a violation of this Code. Prohibited weapons and items include:
Firearms, even with a valid permit. Multiverse is a private event and has the right to determine its own firearms policies.
Bladed weapons that have not been Peace Bonded (see below)
Fake or prop weapons that have not been Peace Bonded (see below)
Functioning projectile weapons
Laser pointers
Oversized items or attire that pose a mobility hazard in walkways, doorways, or elevators
Overweight items or attire that pose a danger to persons or properties if dropped
Items or attire that have exposed sharp edges or points
Explosives or chemicals including, but not limited to, fireworks, smoke pots, flash paper, etc.
Objects that can generate excessive noise, light, smoke, glitter, or confetti
Peace Bonding happens in two ways. The first is the use of brightly colored zip ties to lock a bladed weapon in its sheath. The weapon must be incapable of being drawn while it is Peace Bonded. The second is affixing a brightly colored zip tie to fake weapons to indicate they have been inspected and confirmed safe. Both of these processes must be done at Registration during Registration Hours before these items can be brought into the convention spaces.
Intentional disruption by radio frequency interference is prohibited. Certain medical and assistance devices operate using RF, and interfering with them poses a risk of bodily harm and will not be tolerated.
Possession or use of any device and/or software configured to unlawfully replay, spoof, jam, or otherwise interfere with electronic devices or communications is prohibited.
Knowingly causing harmful interference by any means is prohibited.
If you have a legitimate purpose for requiring a Flipper Zero or other device capable of electronic interference, you must email in advance of the convention to request permission.
All members must obtain a membership badge from Registration. The badge will have a name and unique number that is associated to the member. The name on the badge does not need to be a member’s legal name, but the member’s legal name does need to be on file with Registration.
Members must provide contact information to Registration when they obtain their membership. This must be either a phone number or email address.
Entering a Convention Space without a badge, refusing to wear a badge, wearing a badge that is not your own, or giving your badge to someone else are violations of this Code.
While Multiverse acknowledges that COVID-19 is an ongoing health risk, we are currently not requiring masking in order to attend the convention. We do, however, encourage everyone to mask or otherwise protect themselves and others in any way you are able. We also highly recommend that anyone attending obtain the most up-to-date vaccines against Covid-19 and other transmissible diseases prior to attending. Our vaccination and masking policies are subject to change based on evolving scientific and medical guidance.
Free masks will be available at Registration, in all programming track rooms, at the Art Show Print Shop, in the Sensory Break Room, and in the ConSuite.
Designated walkways, aisles, entrances, and exits cannot be blocked. This includes:
Stopping to take a picture or video
Sitting in an aisle or walkway
Moving furniture into a walkway, aisle, or in front of a door.
If a Multiverse volunteer asks all members present in a room to leave or empty that room, members must comply in a reasonable and timely fashion.
Convention spaces that have specified hours of operation will have those hours posted around the convention, on the back of convention badges, and online at Members are prohibited from entering those spaces when they are designated closed.
Open flame or heating elements are prohibited inside the Convention Spaces.
Smoking is prohibited inside the Convention Spaces.
Refusing to comply with any part of this policy is a violation of this Code.
Photography and Audio-Video recording are permitted in convention spaces with the following exceptions:
Inside the Art Show
During 18+ programming events
If anyone expressly asks to not be photographed or recorded
Flash photography during programming events
Additionally, if someone has been photographed or recorded and asks that the photo, audio, or video be deleted, failure to do so is a violation of this Code.
All programming events will have audio recordings for internal use. If an event is being recorded for public use, the Tech Ops Team will make that clear at the start of the event.
Members of Multiverse Convention consent to be photographed or recorded by Multiverse for promotional purposes. Multiverse agrees not to use the photographs or recordings in any other manner besides promotion and will not sell the photographs or recordings to any third party. This consent may be withdrawn at any time, including retroactively, by an individual member. If a member wishes to revoke this consent, they must do so in writing via email to
Photographers are asked to not set up any lighting structures or backdrops that are not immediately portable. Photographers may be asked by the Convention to move these structures due to traffic flow at any time.
The use of photos, videos, or audio tapes made at Multiverse for commercial use or for the solicitation of funds for any commercial or other purpose without the express written permission of Multiverse Communications is a violation of this Code. All pictures must be for personal or general public use such as social media. A request for permission can be sent to
Members under the age of 18 must have an Emergency Contact sticker provided by Registration and affixed to the reverse of their badge. This sticker identifies the minor’s parent, guardian, or designated adult in case of emergency. Any voice or text number listed on this sticker must be answered regardless of hour or caller.
Members under the age of 13 must be supervised in a manner appropriate to their age and ability by an actively responsible parent, guardian, or designated adult while in convention spaces.
A designated adult is defined as someone that is not the legal guardian or parent of a minor, but is over the age of eighteen, a registered convention member and identified in the minor’s registration record as an adult responsible for them at the convention.
Minors are not permitted to attend programming events labeled as 18+.
Failure to abide by the Convention Minors Policy is a violation of this Code.
Service Animals, as defined under the ADA, are welcome in all areas of Multiverse. Petting, touching, or intentionally distracting a Service Animal without its owner’s express permission is a violation of this Code.
Our convention is held in a pet-friendly hotel, so well-behaved domestic pets are welcome under specific circumstances. All animals must be pre-registered with the registration team. Pet guardians need to provide proof that animals are fully vaccinated according to AAHA species standards and attest that they are non-reactive and housetrained. In order to keep the peace in the multiverse, a limited number of animals will be permitted to register. Any animals that enter the convention must be under the control of their handler at all times and displaying their Multiverse badge on harness or leash. Pets must be leashed at all times while in convention spaces. Animals in con spaces must not become disruptive. Any messes created by the animal must be cleaned by the animal’s handler immediately and fully. Non-Service Animals are not allowed in the Dealer Hall/Art Show, Con Suite space, or Sensory Break Room.
The host hotel may charge additional fees to attendees who stay on site and bring pets with them.
To register your pet as a convention attendee, please fill out this form and we will respond to your request in a timely manner.
Any violation of these requirements will result in the removal of the pet’s badge and the pet being barred from the convention spaces. For service animals that violate these requirements handlers must meet with convention leadership to determine the next steps. Pets (other than Service Animals) are never allowed in the Dealers Room, Con Suite, or Sensory Break Room. Track directors have sole discretion on allowing pets into track rooms.
Failure to respect and comply with the Sensory Break Room policies as posted in the room and on is a violation of this Code.
This Code is available electronically at It will also be publicly posted in various places around the Convention and in abbreviated form inside the Convention Program Book. Questions and requests of clarification are welcome, and can be sent to