Director: M. Haynes

Multiverse 2020 Online Panels

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Watch parties will take place on Discord in #geek-fantasy


Friday, October 16, 2020 4:00pm EDT

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One of the beautiful things about fantasy is the ability for creators to shape their worlds as they see fit. While this usually amounts to dragons, wizards, and otherworldly occurrences in downtown New York, creators under the LGBTQIA umbrella often use fantasy to craft a more accepting and inclusive world. Join us as we hear from some of these queer creators about their experiences in the genre.

Moderator: Catherine Lundoff

Panelists: Paul Barrett, Liz Gorinsky, Jarrod D. King, V. Medina


Saturday, October 17, 2020 4:00pm EDT

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When Avatar: The Last Airbender premiered, no one could have predicted it would maintain such a devout fandom and receive such high praise. The show has become nothing short of a cultural phenomenon for creators and fantasy fans; even more so now that it is available for streaming. In this panel we will talk about the continued impact of Avatar: The Last Airbender and how/if it holds up fifteen years later.

Moderator: Joel Ruiz

Panelists: Sara T. Bond, Kenneth Broome, Jr., Robert Jeffrey II, Kyoko M.


Saturday, October 17, 2020 5:30pm EDT

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For centuries, the role of female characters in fantasy were limited by the perceptions of the men who wrote them. Though female characters are now much more complex and layered, the women who create them are constantly fighting for a voice and place within the genre. Here we will hear from women in fantasy about their experiences and perspectives.

Moderator: Tyra Burton

Panelists: Dana Cameron, Galen Dara, Alexis Nichols, Aziza Sphinx


Sunday, October 18, 2020 2:30pm EDT

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We all know the fantasy we see in the “mainstream”: the kind that’s on every best seller list and every “you have to read these!” post, but do we know the indies? Do we know how and where to find the independent creators who are creating amazing stories that just don’t get enough publicity? Let’s talk about finding more indie creators with some indie creators as we look for our next favorite stories.

Moderator: D.L. Wainright

Panelists: Sara T. Bond, Jarrod D. King, Bobby Nash


Sunday, October 18, 2020 4:00pm EDT

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We live in a world desperately in need of a little imagination; 2020 in particular has been a…rough spot to say the least. Thankfully, as fans of fantasy we are well versed in creating new/better worlds and using our imaginations to envision heroes to save the day. Join us as we have a real talk about the role of fantasy and imagination in addressing real-world issues.

Moderator: Travis Tippens

Panelists: Maurice Broaddus, John Hartness, Aziza Sphinx